I'm a Computer Science major at NUS with a passion for software development that started when I discovered Python at age 14. My journey into programming continued through Junior College, reinforcing my dedication to the field before embarking on my Computer Science journey at university.
React JS
Redux Toolkit
Node JS
My work
Following projects showcases my skills and experience through the many years of school. Each project is briefly described with links to code repositories. It reflects my ability to solve complex problems, work with different technologies, and manage projects effectively.
For 2024 TikTok TechJam hackathon, my team and I developed PayTok, a mobile web app that allows user to make payments without a bank account. PayTok leverages agent networks and cash-in/cash-out points, users can deposit and withdraw money from their digital wallets using physical locations such as retail stores, kiosks, and partner agents.
During the HacknRoll hackathon in 2024, my team and I developed Banluck888, a website inspired by the renowned game Banluck. Our project involved intricate design and implementation, blending elements of gaming and user engagement to deliver a captivating online experience. Through effective collaboration and innovative problem-solving, we successfully created Banluck888, showcasing our ability to thrive in fast-paced, competitive environments while delivering high-quality results.
As part of a 5 man group project, NUSCoursemates is a desktop app for managing contacts and their courses, optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, NUSCourseMates can get your contact management tasks done faster than traditional GUI apps.
Top 15 in PSA Code Sprint 2023. Nautical AI harnesses the power of data analytics and artificial intelligence to empower HR teams with aids personal development and training to align employees to the needed skills in the market. The AI model also generates course recommendations to improve Readiness of employees
ChopeLB is an IOS-based Mobile Application which allows students to reserve and search for available tables in the library. A FireBase server that will share a common database across all platforms which will give a live update on the availability of tables and its bookings.
CarlBot is a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps a person to keep track of various things. Carl Bot is created using Java that aids user to keep tracks of todo, deadline and events.
Participation in Lifehack 2023 Hackathon. EDUNOW is a web application that allows users to participate in quizzes, track their scores, and view the leaderboard. It provides an interactive and engaging experience for users to test their knowledge and compete with others.
Simple QR Code Scanner mobile application created using React Native with Expo.
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